Johannes Brahms

  • 网络约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯;勃拉姆斯;布拉姆斯;约翰尼斯·勃拉姆斯;匈牙利舞曲
Johannes BrahmsJohannes Brahms
  1. In most Chinese works , Johannes Brahms the romantic composer of the19th century is often referred to as a conservative traditionalist and the last classical German musician .


  2. Three Composer-Pianists in the Romantic Era & Robert Schumann , Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms


  3. Johannes Brahms is one of the most important and original composers in the Romantic period .


  4. Johannes Brahms , a German composer in the period of Romanticism in 19th century , played a significant role in the history of world music .


  5. Johannes Brahms was an important composers of the Romantic period in Germany , Austria and his works cover a wide range of creative fields has yielded fruitful results .


  6. This is an exaggerated expression of a true enough state of affairs : Johannes Brahms , as pianist , began with chamber music and remained devoted to the genre all through his life .


  7. Johannes Brahms is a great German composer during the romantic period . The creation of piano works is the initial stage of his professional career , whereas the twenty piano pieces of his late period of life are extraordinarily precious art treasure in the romantic period .
